Please first refer to the user manual of your DBL medical device to locate the appropriate procedure.
If you have lost or forgotten your password, you can reset it by following these steps:
- On your DBL medical device, go to:
- For versions 1.12.xx and lower : Menu > Settings > Yourloops > Credentials
- For versions 1.14.xx and higher : Menu > Settings > DBLG1 > Credentials > Yourloops
- Tap on “Forgot your password?” at the bottom of the screen.
- Then, tap on the “Receive key” button in order to receive a temporary key by email.
- Check the email you received and write down the key. It is composed of 8 alphanumeric characters (numbers and letters).
- On your DBL medical device, go back to:
- For versions 1.12.xx and lower : Menu > Settings > Yourloops > Credentials
- For versions 1.14.xx and higher : Menu > Settings > DBLG1 > Credentials > Yourloops
- Tap on “Forgot your password?” at the bottom of the screen.
- This time, tap on “Create new password.”
- Enter the 8 characters of your key, making sure the letters are capitalized. Then, enter your new password twice.
- Do not forget to tap CONFIRM to save the change.
What should I do if I do not receive a key by email?
- Make sure that you check the mailbox corresponding to the address in your profile and remember to check your spam folder.
- Make sure that the SIM card is inserted correctly and that your DBL medical device is connected to the cellular network. If not, repeat the operation in an area where there is network coverage.
- After about 10 minutes, if you still have not received anything, repeat the previous steps to receive a new temporary key.
- If you still do not receive an email containing the key, please contact our support via the contact form
Healthcare professionals or caregivers
If you have forgotten your password or are having trouble logging in to your YourLoops account, please go to the password reset page.
Enter the address you use on YourLoops and click Send reset link. You will receive an email containing a link to reset your password.
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